La Circulation des fluides I (audio), 2013

La situation d’écoute de La Circulation des fluides I est intimement liée à la matérialité de l’œuvre dans son rapport à l’espace et au temps. Pour la documentation audio, nous avons choisi de faire une lecture numérique des déplacements des visiteurs autour de l’installation. Les variations de mouvement et de distance captées par les onze sonars disposés à proximité des cônes sur la structure ont été enregistrées. Chaque sonar étant associé à un haut-parleur et à une source audio indépendante, nous avons aussi enregistré les sons diffusés dans les onze cônes. Dans le même programme informatique que celui employé pour l’installation, nous avons réenregistré en stéréo les données captées par les sonars et les prises de son de chacun des cônes émetteurs. De cette manière, nous avons réalisé une pièce audio qui tient compte autant que possible, du contexte de diffusion et d’écoute de l’installation sonore.

Publication sur disque compact

From Nic Collins: Art is getting noisier every day. Whether made by sculptors, video artists, composers, printmakers or installation artists, there’s no question but that “Sound Art” is a genre ascendant. The Turner Prize went to a Sound Artist last year, Phonography has revived an interest in R. Murray Schafer’s Soundscape theories, and critical writing is beginning to proliferate on the topic. LMJ23 gives this field a closer look by highlighting artists and composers from around the world who address the role of sound in art that wouldn’t necessarily be called “music.” LMJ23 includes an accompanying CD, “sound—or its absence,” curated by Seth Cluett and featuring tracks by James Webb, Catherine Béchard & Sabine Hudon, Maia Urstad, Tania Candiani, Keith and Mendi Obadike, Tetsuya Umeda, Pascal Broccolichi, Hong-Kai Wang, Benedict Drew, and Nina Katchadourian.

Commissaire : Seth Cluett
Langue : english
Éditeur : MIT Press Journals, Cambridge, MA USA, 2013

Publication électronique

40,000 ANS — Collectif (2013)
Publication collective numérique réunissant les contributions de 55 artistes de l’Europe, des États-Unis, du Canada et du Québec. Publié dans le cadre du 20e d’Avatar.
Textes de présentation : Caroline Gagné et Jocelyn Robert
Langue : français et english, 56 pages
Éditeur : AVATAR (Québec)

Version iTunes
Version web

The Circulation of Fluids I (audio), 2013

Our relationship to sound within The Circulation of Fluids I is closely linked to the work’s materiality, to its connection to space and time. To produce the audio document, we have numerically captured variations in movement and distance generated by the eleven sonars placed near the horns. Since each sonar is associated with a loudspeaker and an independent audio source, we have also recorded the sounds transmitted through the paper horns. By using the same computer program as in the installation process, we have collected eleven audio tracks resulting from the variations in volume produced by the sonars. They have been mixed in stereo. Through this technique, we have created an audio piece that takes into account, as far as possible, the diffusion and listening context of the sound installation.

CD recording

From Nic Collins: Art is getting noisier every day. Whether made by sculptors, video artists, composers, printmakers or installation artists, there’s no question but that “Sound Art” is a genre ascendant. The Turner Prize went to a Sound Artist last year, Phonography has revived an interest in R. Murray Schafer’s Soundscape theories, and critical writing is beginning to proliferate on the topic. LMJ23 gives this field a closer look by highlighting artists and composers from around the world who address the role of sound in art that wouldn’t necessarily be called “music.” LMJ23 includes an accompanying CD, “sound—or its absence,” curated by Seth Cluett and featuring tracks by James Webb, Catherine Béchard & Sabine Hudon, Maia Urstad, Tania Candiani, Keith and Mendi Obadike, Tetsuya Umeda, Pascal Broccolichi, Hong-Kai Wang, Benedict Drew, and Nina Katchadourian.

Curator: Seth Cluett
Language : english
Publisher: MIT Press Journals, Cambridge, MA USA, 2013

Electronic publication

40,000 YEARS — Collectif (2013)
Collective digital project reuniting the works of 55 artists from Europe, the United States, Canada and Quebec. Published in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Avatar.
Presentation texts: Caroline Gagné & Jocelyn Robert
Language: français & english, 56 pages
Publisher: AVATAR (Quebec)

iTunes version
Web version