Rumeurs, 2000-2002

Installation cinétique et sonore
Bois, acier, engrenages, moteurs, modules électroniques, capteurs infrarouges, microphones, haut-parleurs.

Impressions fugitives du quotidien et métaphores sonores d’espaces naturels : Rumeurs réunit un ensemble de silhouettes sonores fabriquées à partir de matériaux disparates que les mouvements des visiteurs animent. Des noix s’entrechoquent au bout de tiges de métal; du vent en conserve murmure son affolement; des objets coassent, crépitent, grincent et pétillent. Cet orchestre bruitiste est composé de sept automates munis de microcontrôleurs qui gardent en mémoire la programmation spécifique des mouvements pour chaque objet. Le chef de cet « orchestre machine-réseau » organise l’ordre et le rythme dans lequel ils vont s’activer.


2007 La Chambre Blanche Québec (QC) Canada
2006 Maison de la culture Mercier, Montréal (QC) Canada
2003 Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum, Iqaluit (NU) Canada
2003 Maison de la culture Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Montréal (QC) Canada
2002 Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur, Montréal (QC) Canada

2003 L’objet sonore, commissaire : Adam Overtone,Eyedrum and Music Gallery, Atlanta (GA) États-Unis

Périodiques et publication

2003 REDFERN, Christine, « Confirmed rumeur », Montreal Mirror, Montréal (QC) Canada, 3 juillet, p. 34
2003 AUSLANDER, Philippe, « L’objet Sonore », 2003 Art Papers magazine, Atlanta (GA) États-Unis, mai/juin, p. 35
2003 « L’objet Sonore », Eyedrum Art and Music Gallery, Atlanta (GA) États-Unis
2003 L’objet Sonore at Eyedrum, Atlanta Creative Loafing, Atlanta (GA) États-Unis, 22 janvier, p. 18
2003 FOX, Catherine, « Sound Waves », The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta (GA) États-Unis, 7 février, p. Q6
2003 PUTMAN, Jonathan, « Georgia State and Eyedrum animate your eardrums », The GSU Signal, Atlanta (GA) États-Unis

Support financier

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Conseil des arts du Canada

Undertones, 2000-2002

Kinetic sound installation
Wood, wires, steel, aluminium, motors, microphones, microcontroller, electronic circuit, infrared sensors, amplifiers, speakers.

A textured sound adventure, one both playful and unpredictable, that take place in an environment made up of sound devices that all have their own characteristics and domains: nuts that toc! and chatter against each other as they dance at the end of metal stalks, canned wind that relieves its agitation with a rush, boxes that croak and crackle and creak. Undertones and fleeting impressions of the ordinary, sound metaphors of natural spaces, these automated constructions create a sound environment that is sometimes turbulent, wild and disturbing, sometimes seductive, amusing and transporting. They extend an invitation to saunter freely, to linger, and to let oneself become infused with them. Undertones is an orchestra of automatic sound mechanisms constructed from a wide range of elements: wood, metal, gears, guitar strings, winding mechanisms, tin cans, motors, photographs, and recycled objects. These sound mechanisms are arranged on steel structures with movement detectors, amplifiers, loudspeakers and circuit boxes. Each object is activated either by a motorized mechanical arm or by its own motors that are controlled by electronic circuits (microcontrollers) that store the program with that object’s specific movements. A master microcontroller organizes the order in which the objects activate and the timing with which they do so. All of the sounds are amplified to ensure better spatial diffusion. Motion detectors trigger all of the mechanisms as the auditors/viewers move about the exhibition space, setting off a more or less organized series of sounds. This orchestra of automatic mechanisms makes for an exploration of sound with endless variation. The sound patterns fluctuate as a function of the interaction with the audience, which makes for a completely unpredictable sound environment.


2007 La collection, La Chambre Blanche, Quebec City (QC) Canada
2006 Maison de la culture Mercier, Montreal (QC) Canada
2003 Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum, Iqaluit (NU) Canada
2003 Maison de la culture Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Montreal (QC) Canada
2002 Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur, Montreal (QC) Canada

2003 L’objet sonore, curator: Adam Overtone, Eyedrum and Music Gallery, Atlanta (GA) United States


2003 REDFERN, Christine, « Confirmed rumeur », Montreal Mirror, Montréal (QC) Canada, July 3, p. 34
2003 AUSLANDER, Philippe, « L’objet Sonore », 2003 Art Papers magazine, Atlanta (GA) United States, May/June, p. 35
2003 « L’objet Sonore », Eyedrum Art and Music Gallery, Atlanta (GA) United States
2003 L’objet Sonore at Eyedrum, Atlanta Creative Loafing, Atlanta (GA) United States, January 22, p. 18
2003 FOX, Catherine, « Sound Waves », The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta (GA) United States, February 7, p. Q6
2003 PUTMAN, Jonathan, « Georgia State and Eyedrum animate your eardrums », The GSU Signal, Atlanta (GA) United States

English Translation

Kathryn Casault

Financial support

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Canada Council for the Arts